First Fruits
The high energy of summer is gently slowing down. People have been returning from their holidays and schools are about to resume. What a bountiful summer this has been, with so many sunny days surrounding Christmas and New Year. And now we approach the time of First Fruits, with berries ripening on our native trees and lush stone fruits – apricots, peaches, nectarines – abundant in the orchards.
As we contemplate this season of fruiting, we may be prompted to wonder about our own fruits of summer. What is it that you have gathered over the long summer days? What is it that you wish to hold and remember?
For me, it’s long evening walks by the sea, the pleasure of eating outside every day, and the soothing sensation of salt water dips in the sea. It’s also about the enjoyment of friends, good company, hanging out with others, laughing and relaxing.
I’ve been nurturing a new book through its final stages, ready for printing. This is like watching a beautiful fruit slowly swell and ripen. Yesterday I saw the cover image for the first time, and felt a thrill at the sense of imminent completion.
What is fruiting in you? What rewards are you experiencing after the hard work of the year just passed? Pause for a moment and appreciate your own self now. Appreciate the support of others, and what they contribute to your wellbeing. Give thanks for what is ripening in your life.
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