Then, out from the loft I pulled out the Christmas decorations that have been used for many years. My granddaughter Sophie (now 16), always used to visit to decorate the tree before Christmas. Mira is only 2 1/2. Could she manage it? First she watched me loop a few of the little angels over the branches of the manuka. Then it was 'me do it' — one of her favourite phrases. And she could do it - beautifully. She observed so exactly and handled each ornament with great finesse.
Manuka is a 'nurse plant'; that is, where the bush has been cut or burned, little manuka seedlings pop up everywhere and grow rapidly, protecting the slower growing forest trees. After 20 - 30 years they graciously die away, allowing the big trees to take over. I felt like a nurse plant myself, a granny protecting the younger generation, knowing that eventually I will topple and make way for them to take over.
And so we had our Kiwi Christmas tree.
How beautiful, as you do so will Mira. The continuity of life - all wrapped up in the decorating of your NZ Christmas tree. Lovely.
How interesting your kiwi tree is, Juliet, and to share its making with Mira must have been such a joy. Thank you for sharing it here.
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