Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Strange flowering

I saw this strange 'flower' on the branches of a bare fruit tree as I walked around the land at Earthtalk. What could it be? It reminded me of kauri gum.
When I inquired later, I discovered that this is a Golden Queen peach tree, and it seems that the tree has some wounds, out of which these secretions have bled and solidified.
I'm remembering the talk I attended last week by Lynne, whose family had been holidaying on a beach in Samoa when the terrible tsunami struck two years ago. She spoke so movingly about the trauma— she who is a trauma therapist and knows the effects so well, yet went through it all herself. Out of the trauma came some extraordinary transformations. I felt moved after hearing her speak of the healing process and the kindnesses that helped her family after they ran for their lives, leaving everything behind.
Seeing these strange shapes on the Golden Queen reminded me of the unexpected beauty that may sometimes flower from deep wounding.


Anonymous said...

Much like our lives that do blossom after terrible tragedies, illness, grief, etc. and often become stronger. You have touched my soul with this, Juliet. Beautiful and I thank you.

Juliet said...

Thank you Penny. Yes, so much of our strength comes from these times, and Lynne had some amazing stories to tell I stood up at question time and told everyone about 'The Big Wave'.

Marja said...

A beautiful piece and yes flowers appear from a wound. I believe that challenging times give us the opportunity to learn and to grow and to value live.

Ruth P said...

It is an amazing paradox of life, how times of pain and trauma can also be such rich contexts for growth and future beauty/flowering. The repetition of this in human and other lives seems to form a reservoir of hope... Just back from travels in warm climes, so I'm enjoying seeing where S.Insp. has been over the last 2 months.

Juliet said...

Welcome back Ruth, and thanks so much for your comments. Paradox is a good word for it.