Friday, February 3, 2012

City sky

 I was sad to leave the bach and its magical skies. But look at this: here in the city, the scudding clouds that keep the sun away by day, create patterns of light in the evening.
The wonder of nature is everywhere.


Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Juliet .. beautiful aren't they .. does Red Sky at Night - Shepherds' Delight, Red Sky in the Morning - Shepherds' Warning .... apply? Old English weather forecast!

Cheers Hilary

Juliet said...

Hi Hilary, yes the old saying does apply. My father taught me that one and I've found it to be true. Thanks for the reminder.

Anonymous said...

Such vibrant paintings of nature to see upon your return to the city, Jullet. I think we receive so many gifts from nature that we don't always realize them. You certainly do.

Juliet said...

What a nice comment; thank you Penny. I like your phrase 'vibrant paintings of nature'. Yes, the gifts of nature are everywhere.

Ruth P said...

Striking sky shots Juliet - I think they complement your 'first fruits' beautifully!!

Juliet said...

Hi Ruth - yes, the sky is as rich as the land right now.

Ruth G said...

Truly beautiful photos.

Juliet said...

Thanks Ruth, and nice to have you visit.

Lynley said...

We are experiencing very similar skies Juliet.

Land of the long white cloud/s rings true currently.

Juliet said...

Lynley, you are right — long white clouds everywhere at present.