Thursday, October 6, 2011

Leafing time

Spring growth is accelerating. This is the melia tree coming into leaf, so delicately. 
Two weeks ago it was showing little leaf buds only.
And the flame tree makes me smile, in the way it is putting out just one little leaf cluster - you can see it to the right of the flowers. It looked like this two weeks ago.
And today, here is the leaf cluster, a little more spread out, and a brighter green. It's on the eastern side, where the tree catches the morning sun. Maybe that's why this twig has a head start.
On my balcony, this succulent has shot up a stem with buds on it. I'm watching to see what will unfold.
Spring is such a joyful season, full of surprises, and so very alive.
The mere sense of living is joy enough—Emily Dickinson


Anonymous said...

I love your bright new look, Juliet. It was a pleasant surprise when I clicked on.

Spring is so joyful. It is, to me, a season of hope, and I always enjoy watching it emerge. "joy enough".

Juliet said...

So glad you like the new look. Spring seems to bring the need for change, and you are so right, it's a season of hope. Thank you Penny.

Lynley said...

My Melia is just beginning to leaf here quite a few days behind your one Juliet.
In fact the last of the seeds have only just fallen - a long slow cycle this year. I will have to watch and see what happens next year.

Juliet said...

Yes, I've noticed that in other melia trees the seeds are still hanging - which does seem very late in the season. Thanks for visiting Lynley.