Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Riding the surf

Everything's fresh today after the storm, including the surf. It was a bit choppy and not very big, but my new board is nice and fast. I got tossed off once, but also had a long ride that was fast enough to thrill.

Meanwhile, on the beach the wind was cool and the cloud formations in the sky tell of the weather change to come tomorrow.

This is how it is at present; one fine day followed by rain and wind. I'm watching the garden grow apace and observing how the beans, courgettes and tomatoes love the alternating hot sun and refreshing rain. The beans, that were just creamy flowers a week ago, are growing thicker and longer every day, and will soon be ready to pick. Baby courgettes are peeping out under huge leaves and little green tomatoes are sheltering close to the main stems. Falling into nature's rhythms is all part of letting go and releasing the patterns of the year.


Marilyn & Jeff said...

Oh how wonderful that you were out riding the surf!
Your garden sounds like ours - everything is growing at a great pace, bunches of tomatoes plumping up, our beans are rivaling Jack's of storybook fame and we are now getting enough to eat. We are eating beetroot and lettuce, still have strawberries, so many herbs, spinach and silverbeet - oh just so much is happening in our garden right now.

Juliet said...

Lucky you Marilyn; your garden sounds very advanced and full of good things. Isn't a pleasure to eat the vegetables and fruit that you've grown yourself.