Friday, August 12, 2011


Not only are the leaf buds turning red, but also the twigs as trees return to life.
I imagine the life blood flowing through these twigs, preparing for a great outbreak of leaves.
Officially, it's not yet spring. But to me, when I notice the subtle signs that are everywhere, spring is surely here. As the Chinese proverb says,
Spring is sooner recognized by plants than by humans.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful! I can feel the anticipation flowing, Juliet. I think we can feel the seasons changing sooner than we actually see it happening, though those subtle color changes are there, aren't they?

Juliet said...

Thank you Penny. I'm having fun looking for those early signs, and am surprised how many there are once I become attentive.

Lynley said...

My Japanese maple branches are turning red too despite the inclement weather. Seasonal rhythms are strong.