Monday, September 27, 2010

Tui serenade.

'Keow, Keow', sings the tui as the sun shines golden  at the end of day. 'Keow, Keow', and then a single, pure high note. The tui's song is full of hope. Maybe she's singing for a mate, or maybe just for the sheer joy of it.
I'm reminded that spring delivers, not just shocks and jolts, but also gifts of pleasure. My day was spent dealing with a burst pipe inside the wall. It's fixed, leaving gaping holes in both kitchen and bathroom. But after a day without water, I now marvel at the way it gushes forth when I turn on the tap.
It's the same with the song of the tui in the flame tree. After so much stormy weather, with not a bird to be heard, I am now being gifted an exquisite serenade.


Marilyn & Jeff said...

Oh I am sorry to hear of your pipe bursting; isn't it so wonderful when all is restored to normal. I too have been enjoying the tui today, when out a walk this afternoon I heard and saw so many.

Anonymous said...

Such a lovely serenade that must have been. I wish I could hear its song.

Burst pipes are no fun at all. A mess and then another as it is fixed and then clean-up. I hope the gaping holes are patched soon for you, Juliet.

Unknown said...

I know about water problems Juliet and they are not nice. I had a leak in the ceiling of my living room when I first moved in here. I wrote a haiku
.. the leak in my ceiling..has stolen away the joy.. of the sound of rain.
All is well now though as I hope yours is too.
The universe checking we don't take these things for granted!