Monday, January 30, 2012

On the water front

 Auckland's water front on a fine day is sparkly and refreshing.
 Some come to walk or play on the beach
 and once you've got your sun hat on, you can take your time
while others simply sit, and enjoy gazing at the restful slopes of Rangitoto.


Lynley said...

These photos show the ease of a lovely summer's day.
Happy anniversary Day to Auckland.

Juliet said...

Thank you Lynley. The whole city was quiet for Anniversary Day and it felt peaceful.

Anonymous said...

This looks like an absolutely lovely spot, Juliet, and you have captured it so beautifully in your words and photos. I would want to sit and dream on those benches all day.

Juliet said...

Yes Penny, it is a beautiful spot. It's where I travel to see my dentist, and I too had a little flare-up this week (not too serious, thankfully). Having a dentist by the beach really does help to soothe the pain. I'm glad yours is getting better.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that you have needed to see the dentist, Juliet. I've been joking that I seem to falling apart piece by piece these days. I must admit that I might have gotten in to see the dentist if his office was near the beach. All he has is a florescent light fixture of a photo of clouds. Oh well . . . hope your flare -up was easily remedied.

Juliet said...

A photo of clouds! - ah well, I guess that's better than a ceiling to look at. My fare up has now flared down, thank you.

Anne Ruffell said...

Hi Juliet
I just love this view of Rangitoto and return to it every time we are in Auckland as it is such a peaceful place. I love looking at the shells on the water's edge too - lots of fan shells with their pretty pink colours. Soon I'll be doing that again! I can almost feel the sunshine - it is bitterly cold here and I'm hoping there won't be any snow!

Juliet said...

Anne, what a nice surprise. Soon you'll be looking at Rangitoto for yourself.