Monday, March 14, 2011

Hearts for Japan

Last night, at an interfaith gathering, we contemplated spiritual teachings on the theme of uncertainty. This theme was chosen before the Japanese earthquake had occurred, and proved to be even more pertinent than expected. One of the readers was a Japanese woman, who had been about to make a trip home.
Going deeply into this theme and experiencing the discomfort of uncertainty together, brought unexpected comfort. Such a paradox.
As I contemplate nature, and the energy that is being put into making seeds in this season, I come into the presence of a great power. The kawakawaka, those green hearts that I love so much, from this plant used by the Maori for much healing, are full of greening, drinking up autumn's rain. The power of regeneration is ever present.
The power of love was also abundant last night as we lit candles for Japan. The Japanese rescue team was the first to be sent to New Zealand following the Christchurch earthquake, and this morning I heard that we have now sent a team back to them. This is love-in-action.

'Love is actually a state of being, and a divine state at that, the state to which we all yearn to return.' (Ram Dass).
My flax and kawakawa heart for Japan keeps me in the presence of love. I feel a great wave flowing towards Japan right now, carrying prayers for comfort, safety, healing and regeneration.


Anonymous said...

So lovely, Juliet. Even with your country's own tragedy, your people find the way to Japan. It makes me weep with joy for mankind and the goodness that flows.

I love your heart.

Marilyn & Jeff said...

Thank you for this Juliet. I carry such deep sadness in my heart for all those affected by the recent devastation yet I felt the power of love after the earthquake in Christchurch when other nations, so very quickly, reached out to help and I continue to experience the power of love as NZ and many other countries send teams to Japan.